what does it mean?

In amateur radio, QRP refers to low-power transmission. The term comes from the abbreviation for "Reduce transmit power" from the Q key and is the counterpart of QRO. By definition, the transmitter output power must not exceed 5 W in CW and 10 W in SSB.



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Elecraft K2

elecraft k2 Elecraft's K2 is designed for use at home and on the go. The low reception current of the K2 (approx. 150 mA in battery saving mode) enables mobile operation with small gel cell batteries. The K2 even includes an option for a 2.9Ah internal battery.
Excellent sensitivity and dynamic range, Full QSK break-in (diode switched), Adjustable RX/TX CW pitch, High-speed memory keyers, selectable RX sideband, and sharp IF Crystal filters become standard.


👉   Elecraft K2 Homepage 👉   Elecraft K2 Owners Manual

My K2 is equipped with :

Standard features



CW features

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KAF2 Audio Filter and Real-Time Clock

The KAF2 offers an elliptical LC low pass filter and a narrow band pass filter for CW or data use. The low-pass filter attenuates noise and high-frequency QRM without affecting voice or data signals. The low-noise, two-stage active bandpass filter helps capture weak CW signals and can be turned on or off from the front panel.

In addition to two audio filter settings, the KAF2 includes a 24-hour real-time clock/calendar with its own multi-year display emergency battery. Just tap the DISPLAY button to see the time or date on the K2's LCD! Supports MM/DD and DD/MM date formats.

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KSB2 SSB Adapter

K2 ssb option The KSB2 adds SSB and data modes to the basic K2 transceiver. Includes an optimized 7-pole 2.2kHz crystal filter. Can be used with almost any dynamic or condenser microphone.



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KNB2 Noise Blanker

K2 noise blanker Noise blanker option for the K2

The KNB2 eliminates most impulse noise, including that from power lines.



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K160M - 160M and 2nd RX Port

K2 160m rx ant. Adds 160 meters of TX/RX and a second RX antenna input (usable for all bands).

Also supports transverters, that require split TX/RX paths.



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KIO2 RS-232 Interface Aux I/0

K2 rs232 aux i/o With the KIO2 installed, you can control the K2 entirely by computer and you don't need an external level converter, as the KIO2 offers true RS-232 levels. Compatible with most competition and logging software, as well as ours own K2VOICE and K2REMOTE programs. The KIO2 Programmer's Reference provides extensive information for those who write custom K2 control programs.

Note: The KPA100 option for the K2/100 includes an RS-232 interface. The KIO2 is only required for the base, 15W K2, without KPA100.


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KAT2 Automatic Antenna Tuner

K2 auto tuner With the KAT2 you can connect almost any antenna directly to the K2 and use it on all bands (160-10 m). Two antenna sockets are provided - with the ANT 1/2 switch you can immediately A/B test both antennas for any signal. Uses all latching relays so current drain is zero except when voting.



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Ten-Tec 1208 - 50MHz Transverter

the "magic band" for the K2

ten tec 1208 50mhz transverter Ten-Tec's Model 1208 transverter is easy to connect and brings the 6 meter band over the 10 meter band to the K2.

To do this, the 1208 is connected to the K2 using a PL cable and the "TRN" item is called up in the K2 menu, the parameters are set and we're ready to go 😉

The antenna I use on 50MHz is the Diamond V2000 at about 9ft above ground.

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QRP Labs QCX Mini

qrp labs qcx mini The "QCX-mini" (QRP Labs Xcvr - mini): a feature-rich, high-performance single-band 5W CW transceiver kit with WSPR beacon and built-in adjustment and test equipment. It is specially designed for portable operation, where small size, weight and power consumption are important. Available for 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 or 17m tapes. Experimental use on 15, 12, 10 or 6 m (lower output power and reduced sensitivity).


👉   QRP Labs 👉   QCX Manual

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/p - friendly features

technical specification

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CW 4 ever 😉

homemade Keyer

single cw paddle single morse key single cw key

left my current paddle at the K2, built by Olaf, DH1BBO, from an old telegraph relay, mounted on a brass plate,

right the 4-cent QRP paddle by DF4BJ [2010] , built from an old telegraph relay, magnetically attached to a 4 cm Ø milled steel block (sold years ago 😥 )

tiny paddle by N6ARA

single cw paddle

the fully assembled Tiny Paddle from N6ARA , ready to use with QCX mini

tinypaddle tinypaddle cable

Small and light iambic button. Intended for use as backup paddles for field operations or ultra-lightweight radios, here with separate 3.5 mm audio extension cable
3FT / 3D-printed TinyPaddle holder (see above)

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permanently installed

wire vertical wire vertical

mtft diamomd v-2000


21ft Wire Fishing Rod Vertical with 9:1 MTFT (left) mounted on the fence,

the wire is coiled onto the rod and at the top fastened by a luster clamp







the Diamond V-2000 50/144/433 MHz on a approx. 9ft long tripod - mast tube, mounted on a concrete - umbrella stand



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portable antennas

Mobilantenne Mobilantenne C-WHIP Antenne, 17m, 3/8"

consisting of approx. 130cm spiral radiator and approx. 130cm steel rod

PL - Adapter Magnetfuß Diamond Magmount PL-SP-M

12ft coax w/ PL SO239, Ø 11cm. The foot is made of dark brown plastic on the outside.

Adapter PL - 3/8" internal thread

chrome plated, heavy, suitable for above base and whip

I use this antenna in the garden or in the near park, together with the QCX mini and a solar power bank.

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/portable stuff

Solar Powerbank LOGILINK Powerbank PA0273, 10.000 mAh, Solar

High performance solar power bank with retractable stand is perfect for fieldday or /p activities. Technical data: For this I have a converter cable 5V-12V with USB and 2.1mm barrel connector for the direct supply of the QCX mini.

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